Let’s face it, we might all like the idea of a bespoke outfit, but sometimes the cost and time required to create one are out of our reach. That’s where ready-to-wear comes in - designed, created and ready tomorrow if you need it, at a price point you can live with.
It’s the same with leadership development. We do custom created one-off programs for clients and they’re beautiful. But we’ve also created a series of ready-to-go short programs that cover the key content we hear our clients asking for. They’re great as separate pieces, or can be combined for a complete ensemble.
Here’s a small selection from our latest range. Contact us about the full offering if you don’t see what you’re looking for.
Presence Beyond Authority.
Every time a leader walks into a room or has something to say, those listening are making judgements not only about the message, but also about the provider of that message. Great leaders have the capacity to capture people’s attention and to deliver their messages in completely congruent ways.
DRAMATICEFFECT is a one-day master class in “owning the room”. Under the guidance of trained actors and a skilled facilitator, participants will learn how to make conscious choices about setting, status and how they use their voice and body to create the greatest impact in any forum. They will develop skills and habits that will help them prepare and be fully in the moment as they deliver important messages one to one, to small groups or large audiences. These skills will be relevant on the shop floor, in the boardroom, at social functions, with customers, colleagues and staff or in front of a media scrum.
Change Is Inevitable; Buy-In Isn’t.
Theorists and academics have been tracking the success of change initiatives in organisations since the 1970s. Sadly the statistics are consistent and disappointing; roughly 2/3 of change initiatives fail to deliver the benefits expected of them. What’s worse is that the pace of change has increased over this half century, meaning we’re not only consistently failing; we’re failing more often!
It’s often the case that the idea behind the change initiative is a good one but the implementation of the change is where it falls apart. All this suggests that organisations need to develop the mindsets and skills sets throughout their organisation that increase the odds of them leading the 1/3 of change initiative that do realise the expected benefits. Enter CHANGEMASTER, the two-day hands-on workshop in leading successful change.
Designed for mid to senior leaders CHANGEMASTER is the essential toolkit for understanding the psychology of change, the critical steps in implementing organisational change and how to build readiness and work with resistance. It incorporates the fast-paced ExperienceChangeTM simulation, an immersive experience that has participants steer an organisation through a major change initiative in order to achieve a critical mass of stakeholder buy-in, all within a time and resource constrained environment.
What’s even better is that each participant will work with a live change initiative of their own throughout the workshop ensuring the CHANGEMASTER experience is not only grounded in good theory but highly practical.
Influence Beyond Reason.
Great leaders do more than have great ideas; they compel others to hear, believe and act on those ideas. As the environment for change becomes more complex, so too do the messages leaders need to carry to their people. We are drowning in a sea of organisational messages that compete for our attention and, by virtue of their complexity offer us less certainty about how to act or what to do. The habitual response in many organisations is to load up change messages with detailed business cases and risk registers and process guidelines that are out-of-date before they’re even delivered. The hope is that if we provide enough data and detail surely they’ll “get it” and get on with it. If only!
STORYLEADER is a one-day master class in using Story purposefully and powerfully in organisational settings. It establishes the science behind the efficacy of Story as a leadership tool and explores three ways a leader can use Story: Tuning In, Telling and Triggering.
A Fail-Safe Approach to Innovative Leadership.
In an environment of complexity and uncertainty, leaders need a mindset and toolset that allows them to move purposefully forward in an agile and experimental way. It’s not enough to say leaders need to let go of the overly-planned, expert-driven practices of their past. They need something that shows them how they can move forward in this new environment.
Design thinking is an approach to leadership that encourages innovation to occur that is sharply focused on the end-user. It can be used to shape products, services, processes and organisational cultures. It creates a safe-to-fail place for discovering deep insights into customers, clients or communities, reimagining ways of working and implementing iteratively to ultimate success.
DESIGNTHINKIT can be delivered as a one day introductory workshop or a one + one day bootcamp where participants not only learn but apply the principles to a live organisational opportunity for innovation and customer centricity.
“This is my second leadership session with Cameron. Again, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Engaging, relevant, thought-provoking, and I leave eager to explore further the story-telling skills. Thanks Cameron!!”
Transurban STORYLEADER Program